Step 1: Activate the account and sync the Chrome extension on your LinkedIn

Step 1: Activate the account and sync the Chrome extension on your LinkedIn

Did you…

  • Just install Engage AI for the first time?

  • find the plan does not reflect your paid subscription?

  • Recently upgraded to Pro?

  • Switch over to a different plan?

Unlock all of your plan’s features.

3 Simple Steps

  1. If you’re logged in to Engage AI, log out first and log back into the Engage AI web application here.

  2. Click Sync Account your Engage AI connection inside LinkedIn. See Screenshot 1.

  3. Refresh the LinkedIn website.


Screenshot 1



Important note

  1. If you have a paid plan, the correct email to use is the email address you used when paying for a subscription. 

  2. If you see Screenshot 2, it is either you're still logged in and haven't logged out, or you have logged into a different account with a different email address still under Free Plan.


Screenshot 2
