My prospects posted recently, but it's not reflecting in the web app

My prospects posted recently, but it's not reflecting in the web app


Follow the steps below if:

  • No recent posts in the past week is displayed, even though the prospect has posted recently


💡 Log back into LinkedIn

Since logging out of LinkedIn will cause your cookie to expire, the data we have on your Engage AI account will no longer be up-to-date as we can no longer retrieve your prospect’s data.


  1. Make sure you’re signed into LinkedIn.

  2. Hit Sync Account.


Managing numerous LinkedIn profiles in your line of work, which requires you to log out of LinkedIn profiles frequently? Discover More

💡 Click “Check Updates Now”

Check for updates now is an option available only to Engage AI Executive Suite and Pro users.

  1. Log into Engage AI web app here.

  2. Click on Monitor in the side menu.

  3. Click on Check Updates Now.

💡 Get Engage AI to check for updates daily

Your prospect’s LinkedIn post activity may not be up-to-date due to the schedule you’ve set for Engage AI to check for update